
常にイノベーションを起しつづける『 100年企業 』を目指します。
Thanks to all of you, we are celebrating our 47th anniversary.
Morita Electric creates the future,Constantly innovating,
We aim to become a 100-year company.


Construction details01-6

Spot inspection

Morita Electric’s solar power generation maintenance spot inspection is ideal for customers who have not performed any maintenance since purchase and whose power generation output is decreasing!
You can check whether the power generation amount and construction conditions are appropriate with a second opinion service. Also, please use this service if you are considering selling and would like an inspection report.

This service is for low voltage 50KW or less, so if you have high voltage equipment, please contact us at 03-6264-6808.

This service is available nationwide, but may not be available to some remote islands.

For roof installation, an elevated workbench may be required separately.