
常にイノベーションを起しつづける『 100年企業 』を目指します。
Thanks to all of you, we are celebrating our 47th anniversary.
Morita Electric creates the future,Constantly innovating,
We aim to become a 100-year company.



Create the Future
Morita Electric
We create new value and a prosperous future with our technological capabilities.

ーNew product informationー

Non-contact body temperature detector

iFace Checker is a product that can measure body temperature without contact. It has the characteristics of a wide measuring range, high accuracy, and less error. It has a simple design and has a spare RS485 connection, allowing it to work with facial recognition security systems.

ーNew product informationー

solar ride products

Sorry to keep you waiting. Development of solar light with 4G internet camera has been completed and official sales have begun. We can also watch over solar construction sites where there is no electricity. The wire thief can no longer escape. You can also check out the construction site, office, etc. Ideal for progress management. We also offer short-term leases during the construction period.

ーNew product informationー

ーAbout usー