New investment projects
Fence construction completion report
Investment case May 22, 2017
The fence work was completed today.
I have attached a reference photo.
This will be the basis of this blog.

Gifu Prefecture 2MW power plant land rental information
Investment case May 12, 2017
Gifu Prefecture Land rental for 2MW power plant 1 location
※The solar panels and mounts will be purchased from Morita Electric Co., Ltd. We will introduce the land as a condition of purchase.
If you are interested, please contact Morita Electric Co., Ltd.
Asakawa Town, Ishikawa District Used power plant project sale 1.99KW
Investment case May 12, 2017
Project overview
Thank you.
Solar power plant property information. [Otani, Omitama City, Ibaraki Prefecture]
Investment case February 26, 2017
Solar power plant Otani, Omitama City, Ibaraki Prefecture

Solar power plant property information. [Shiraishi, Misato Town]
Release February 26, 2017
Solar power plant Misato-cho Shiroishi
※Sold out.
Thank you very much for reading.